Bino & Fino Series


Bino and Fino are a brother and sister who learn about Africa and the world through many adventures. Bino & Fino is an educational children's series for children between the ages of 3 and 6 primarily. Topics covered in the show include facts about Africa, African geography, African food and the history of Africa. 

The show is screeening on Amazon , Apple TV, Emirates airlines and other places. With around 3.5 million views on Youtube, the show is building an ever increasing international fanbase. Look below to see other places the show has screened.

Genre: Preschool


  • 23 x 9 min to 11 min HD episodes - English Language

  • 23 x 9 min to 11 min HD episodes - Brazilian Portuguese Language

  • 5 x 11 min HD - 8 Languages

  • 3 x 7 min SD - English Language

In Production

  • 20 x 11' HD - English Language - Due Second Quarter 2023

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